Hi to all of you,

My time in Singapore was fun.  I stayed with Chor Yoon.  We stayed in a
friend's condo for a few days, so were able to use the pool, etc.  They took
me around...downtown, to Sentosa Island... I spent a lot of time with Chor
Yoon's cell group at church - fun people!  On the Monday and Tuesday she had
to babysit her nephew, so I took the trains and spent time downtown.
Singapore is a very beautiful city - malls everywhere!  It is quite the
experience!  I enjoy the glitz and glamour for a few days, then I think I've
had enough!

Then I went to a YWAM conference by a lady from Kona, Hawaii, Jean Norment
on "Unveiling the Cross".  It was really excellent - all on the cross, what
Jesus has done for us, our identity in Christ, the exchanged life.  There
was also personal ministry time.  It was very encouraging for me,
personally.  God confirmed some things for me, that this next year is to be
one of spending more time in His presence...and understanding the 'rest of
God'.  I am inspired to study the books of Romans and Hebrews again.

Yes, Rick and Melanie have gone... so the Leadership Team is meeting every
week to discuss all the changes.  Every department is undergoing some
change, so it is quite something.  The Malaysian family, Das and Rani and
their 4 kids, are now living in Rick and Melanie's house.  They are
wonderful people and add real strength to this place.  Just some of the
changes:  the office will be completely renovated (and Marlys has left).
Joanna (Jody Counts' wife) is now the office manager.  Andrew and Gretel are
now the DTS Leaders.  Chad is doing more 'homefront management' with Rick
gone, and Nicole is focusing completely on Community Outreach and teaching
at Dalat. The DTS looks like it will be a small school and the BTPS is full,
being a bilingual English/Indonesian school.  We continue to receive
inquiries for the SBS, so it would have been a large school.

My trip to Redang with Jennifer Creamer was good.  I really enjoyed the
beautiful beach and wonderful swimming!!  Snorkling was fun too.  We had a
few adventures along the way and I learned what 'not' to do - like don't go
there on a weekend when it is super crowded with many people!  Jennifer's
flight from Bangkok was delayed 10 hours... so we lost a day at the
resort... fun and games!

Then on Aug. 13-20 I fly to E. Malaysia to teach the book of Mark in the
Core Course there.  It will be a new experience for me... bilingual in
English and Bahasa Malaysia... mainly with Orang Asli (tribal) people... I'm
getting excited about going...My teaching will look very different - not
nearly as much content, with more activities, games, drama... so I will let
you know how it goes!  It will be fun to see Joanne in a very different
environment!  Pray for me!

I am teaching the book of Ephesians inductively in my church.  I think it is
going well... a little hard to tell, as they haven't been too interactive
(but that is usually how it goes here...)... I am excited about this
opportunity and that Pastor Joshua has opened the door to me to do
ministry... I would like to do some more books for them over the next few
months, but will see about their schedule.

Thursday night was Coffee House and I wish that you all could have been
there.  Hillside Baptist has partnered with us for a couple of weeks and
they have done a great job!  They've brought food (lots of noodles), so this
last week we had 130+ people.  There was also a visiting basketball team
from the US, so that was an added attraction.  Myung Hee and I worked like
crazy almost non-stop the whole night in the kitchen with getting drinks.
It was pretty wild!  So, just to let you know, that all the prayers you
prayed for Community Outreach (and your input) are having an effect!  Keep
praying for us that we would continue to be led by God as we reach out to
the Community.  (Das has started English classes for the Indonesian migrant
workers in our neighborhood.)

Pray for Pastor Prem from Fettes Park.  I know that he was the pastor for
some of you.  He has been diagnosed with leukemia - is now stable, but
remains quite serious - very hard to understand all these things.

Sorry, this is long...but just wanted to give you an update on what is
happening in my life and the life of the base!!  Hope you are all doing
well!  I miss you.

God bless.

SBS leader로 부터 온 글...

우리가 SBS를 하면서 그 때 ywam에서는 커피 하우스를 계속 해야 할지에 대해 고민하고 있었다.
커피 하우스는 주변의 사람들을 초청해서 커피등의 음료수를 대접하며 서로 교제를 나누는 모임이었다.
그런데, 사람들이 점점 줄어들어서 1-2명 정도 밖에 오지 않았다.
그때, SBS에서 하나님께서 기도하라고 하셔서 집중적으로 몇 주간 기도했다.
첫주에 하나님께서는 우리 베이스안에 개개인의 열정에 대해서 지적하셨다.
과연 복음에 대한 열정이 있는지, 이웃을 향한 사랑이 있는지 지적하셨고, 우리 모두는 우리의 자세를 회개하며 하나님께 반응했었다.
두번째 주에는 하나님께서 이제는 이웃을 위해 기도하라고 하셨다.
그래서 우리는 우리 베이스 주변에 사는 사람들을 위해서 기도했다. 그들에게 하나님의 사랑을 전하도록...
마지막 주에, 하나님께서 이제는 이 베이스와 주변을 넘어선 폭넓은 사역을 위해 기도하게 하셨다. 그래서 우리는 그 음성에 순종하여 기도하였다.
하나님께서 커피하우스를 계속 할 것에 대해 말씀하시고, 커피 하우스를 위해 전 베이스 차원에서 마음을 쏟도록 하셨다.

그런데, 놀라운 일들이 그 이후에 벌어졌다.
기도후 첫번째 주에는 10여명의 대학생이 새로왔다. 그 다음주에는 70명이 넘는 대학생이 왔다. 다들 너무 놀랬다. 이때가 월드컵 방송 시간이랑 겹쳐서 기대를 하지 않았는데, 너무 엄청난 숫자가 왔다.
그 이후에 SBS가 끝났고
난 커피 하우스에 대한 소식을 메일을 통해 다시 들었다.
위에 노란 박스와 같이 130명이 넘는 대학생과 이웃들이 왔다는 것...그들의 대부분은 불교를 믿고 있는 학생이다.

전율이 느껴질 정도로 기적적인 일이다.

하나님이 3 주 동안 우리에게 주신 것들을 보면서 놀라운 하나님의 방법들을 깨달을 수 있었다.
하나는 첫째 우리가 하나님안에 바로 서 있는가를 점검하는 것이고, 그 다음은 이웃, 그 다음은 나라와 열방가운데 영향을 미치는 것이다.
작은 관계에서부터 넓은 곳으로 까지 확장시키는 하나님 나라의 원리 놀랍다.

'성경적 원리' 카테고리의 다른 글

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믿는다는 것...  (0) 2006.08.20
We're Pregnant!!  (0) 2006.08.03
after Tsunami  (0) 2006.07.28
Lost People  (0) 2006.07.28

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